David Durst's Blog

TL;DR I've created CSGO bots that imitate human movement. I'd like your feedback! This post provides the instructions for the CSKnow play-based user study.

Install CSGO

The first step is installing CSGO on your computer. Since CS2's release, CSGO is only accessible as a beta branch of CS2 in Steam. To install CSGO, please perform the following steps:

  1. Install Steam - Install the Steam client.
  2. Install CS2 - Install CS2 from the Store tab in the Steam client.
  3. Install CSGO -
    1. Open the Library tab in the Steam client.
    2. Select Counter-Strike 2 from the list of games.
    3. Right click on Counter-Strike 2's entry in the list of games and click on Properties in the menu.
    4. Select the Betas option in the popup menu.
    5. For the Betas Participation dropdown, select the option csgo_legacy - Legacy Version of CS:GO

Connect To The Server With Bots

Ignore these warnings. CSGO is deprecated, but it still works.
The settings menu for enabling the developer console.

Once CSGO installs, you can start it and connect to the server with the bots.

  1. Start CSGO - select Counter-Strike 2 in your Steam Library and press the green Play button. When the popup appears, select CSGO Legacy mode.
  2. Ignore Warnings - When CSGO starts, you'll see the warnings shown in above figure. You may also see a news update that doesn't correctly load. Ignore these warnings by pressing OK/Continue.
  3. Enable Developer Console - You will need the developer console to connect to the server. To enable the developer console:
    1. Open CSGO's settings. It's the Gear icon in the middle right of the screen. The above figure highlights it with a blue circle.
    2. Set the Enable Developer Console option to Yes. The above figure highlights it with a red circle.
  4. Connect To The Server -
    1. Access the developer console by pressing the ~ key. This key is called tilde. The key is in the top left of your keyboard below escape.
    2. Connect to the server by typing one of the following commands into the console. There are two servers, one in the US and one in the EU. Please pick the one closest to you.
      • US Server: connect
      • EU Server: connect
    3. Connecting may take 30 seconds to a minute. Please be patient.

Play With The Bots

Now that you're in the server, you can play with the bots and take part in the study. Please complete the following steps twice, once when playing on the Terrorist team and once when playing on the Counter-Terrorist team.

  1. Choose a team - Select either the Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist team. Please note that at most one user can play at a time. If another human is currently playing, please choose the spectator team and wait for them to finish.
  2. Start the study - Open text chat (typically with the y button) and type restart to restart the study.
  3. Complete the study - Complete 2 questions about your experience with CSGO. (These questions will only appear on your first play through.) Then play 8 scenarios. For each scenario, you will:
    1. Play the scenario with 4 different types of bots. The bot types in are in a random order for each scenario. Each scenario will have a different number of teammates, enemies, starting health, and starting armor.
    2. Rank the bots.
      1. Press y to bring up text chat.
      2. Rank the bot types according to the following statement: "Player movement matches your expectation of how humans would move in the scenario." You should consider movement by bots on both teams. Do not consider non-movement factors like aim.
      3. You must provide a comma separated list ordering the bots like 1,2,3,4. Do not enter a single number for the best bot type like 2. If you enter an invalid ranking, the server will ignore your input and wait for a valid one.
      4. Bots codenames are provided. Codenames are consistent across scenarios.
      5. If you are unsure of how to rank the bots, you may type replay to replay all 4 bot types in the scenario.
  4. Send Me A Final Ranking - At the end, email me at me at durst@stanford.edu with your ranking (using codenames) of bot types according to the following statement: "Player movement matches your expectation of how humans would move in the scenario." Please provide a ranking like "Apple,Banana,Cherry,Date". You should consider movement by bots on both teams. Do not consider non-movement factors like aim. If you have time, please also include an explanation of your answer.

Providing Additional Feedback

Thank you for taking part in the CSKnow play-based user study! If you have additional comments about the bots (or other feedback), join the CSKnow discord or email me at durst@stanford.edu.